
On our morning walk

sea and sky combine

in their ineffable manner

to produce


or power.

Water, still.

Golden glow 

light shimmers off the sea,

A study in blues.

The shine is hint

to the divine,

always present,

sometimes glimpsed.

The shine can also be seen

In the rainbow

with the backdrop

of clouds, heavy and brooding.

The shine, 


to the spiritual food


May the shine never wear off.

Gospel reflection Sunday 7 April

John 20: 19-31

‘Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed’. This is us – we have not seen and have believed. Prompted by John’s Gospel we should use Easter time to focus on our ‘believing’ – the ways that we live and act upon our faith. How will we do that? As today’s Gospel tells us, through the gift of the Holy Spirit and the peace that faith can bring. Then we can focus upon what we do: In what ways are our actions ‘Good News’ for others? Are our relationships marked by love? How do we bring peace to those in our lives?

Rather than be judgmental about Thomas’ lack of faith, may we be compassionate, acknowledge our own failings and acknowledge that he got it right in the end – and pray that we can too, living loving and faith-filled lives.

Easter 2024

Good News! Heaven knows we need to hear some. Good News that would free us from rampant ego. Good News that would free us from destructive power. Good News that would free us from toxic selfishness.

The good news is that love is the answer. It cannot die. Love pours itself out, again and again.

A selfless love (agape) that liberates us from ego, power and selfishness so that instead we build community. In so doing we more closely reflect the God in whose image we are made – the God as Father, Son and Spirit who is in relationship; the God who is relationship. Love builds relationships, beginning with those most in need, those on the margins, on the outer.

Trite? Simplistic? The answer is there, in front of us the whole time but its simplicity leads to its rejection. There is no glory, no name up in lights. Selfless love is steady. It is quiet. It holds the hand of the person in trouble. It wipes the tears of the bereaved. Selfless love volunteers for the unseen yet necessary job. Selfless love is the stuff of community. So, you see, it is with us already. 

This Easter may we each rise to the challenge of more fully loving and living selflessly. Our everyday world will be better for it. Good News, indeed!


Sun glistens off the water. 



of all that is precious 

in this scene.

Dolphins race the ferry,

so clearly 

having the best time,

seemingly egged on

by the ‘oohs and ahhs’

of the humans

whom they have


This stretched on

for minutes

until we reached the port.

in their thisness

they part the veil

for us to glimpse,

reminding us

to be our true selves

and embrace life’s joy.

Lifted veil

The veil lifted briefly

from my eyes and heart

as I saw and felt God

in sun, sea and skies

this morning.

The ‘sound of sheer silence’

was loud

with grandeur, beauty and hope,

as the grace of another morning

was crafted before me.

This wonder and glory  

weaves and shines

around and through

each one of us

and all that is

all the time


we are frequently blind.

Joyful at its recognition,

grateful to have been present,

the grace lingers still.

May it impel me

until my next dose.

Dark flash

Cafe at morning tea.

Happily air conditioned 

on a hot summer’s day 


with a variety of people:

Young and old



work colleagues 


Hive of activity

…and then a sparrow 

flew through!

That dark flash

breaks the commercial spell

reminding me about

what truly matters


As I scrabble

on the floor

trying to stretch tight muscles,

my dogs see this

as their cue to interact.

They come to me

smiling, wagging their tails,

which, along with guttural noises

show their pleasure

at this possibility.

As I pat them,

I am repeatedly licked on the arm

as they wiggle around

so that I get the ‘right’ spot.

Such a simple activity

greeted by such joy

is humbling.

I am not a dog owner.

I am a steward,

A caretaker

and so much richer for it.

The beat

Driven by the wind,

waves pound the shore

like clockwork.


wheel, swoop, and glide.

Rocky outcrop

site of water fountains

surging into the air.

The sun and clouds 

collaborate to create

a glow

that highlights

the glory on display.

This wonder, this grace

isn’t for me,  

it is for itself.

The grace of life

What is my response?

Appreciation and wonder?


Or some kind of valuation?


Death is sudden,


yet my apprehension

or understanding

of my mother’s passing

seems to unfold

over time.

It has the look of a blow

but maybe

her death

is unfolding

as mysteries do.

My finite mind 

can only grasp

so much.

I have held sorrow and loss

at bay

‘She was in pain’

‘It was time’


but not complete statements.

As another formal step

is done

I have returned to loss

yet I also realise

it is a step forward.

Where to?

A life where my mother

is a memory (or a thousand!)

I cherish and embrace all that was good

in her

and let go or forgive

her shortcomings,

as I hope others will forgive mine

in my turn.

Death unfolds…like a flower?

Christmas 2023

The whole world is a gift from God to us. That is the essence of the Incarnation that we celebrate at Christmas – not just people, but everything is ‘shot through’ with God.

As humans it is so easy to focus on ‘our own’. That expression, ‘our own’, can be drawn narrowly to refer to members of our family, maybe even favourite members of our family. The circle can widen to include those in our street, our suburb, our city, even our country. That we are each made in the image and likeness of God means that we are a child of God – and thus brothers and sisters to each other. This is a gift we constantly have but need to be reminded of; when better to be reminded than at Christmas?

’A child is born’ – this most human of images arouses great love and compassion. Yet God is already with us, always with us. God is present in each moment – a constant freshness, newness, surprise, wonder. The image of the new born baby jolts us out of complacency. What is more alive, more fresh than a new born baby? 

Seeing with the eyes of a child – with wonder and awe – is a particular joy at this time of year.  Everything around us is deserving of that wonder, just watch a child. It is easy for adults to become world-weary, ‘been there, done that’. Yet, with a child-like openness, the wonder floods in: leaves, rocks, sky, water, sun. All gifts from the God who loved us into life.

It is wonderful to give and receive gifts at Christmas – and it can be a tangible sign of love and affection. Even more powerfully, we are each a gift to others and ourselves. This Christmas may I truly be a gift to others in my life as well as gratefully and respectfully receive the gifts of others in my life. In so doing we each honour the giver of these person-gifts…God.